Code of Conduct


ESF and The Center for Growth and Innovation encourage fun, friendship and safety in a positive atmosphere. We have established behavior guidelines that revolve around the “Three R’s”:

  1. Respect for yourself
  2. Respect for others
  3. Respect for your environment

Policies for Academic Programs

Policies for Middle School & High School Programs


Academic integrity is essential to any academic community. As part of our community expectations, “we expect our students to be honest, to be responsible for their behavior, to demonstrate self-discipline, and to respect the faculty and fellow students.” A breach of academic integrity, in fact, violates each of these expectations. Academic integrity requires that each student takes responsibility on each assignment for what represents his/her work and what has been borrowed from other sources. When a student hands in any assignment (for example, quiz, test, paper, examination), the faculty assumes that all work represents that of the student except where appropriate citation or acknowledgement of help indicates otherwise. To reflect this reality and to emphasize the importance of academic integrity, the Episcopal Academy Honor Statement was created to insure that students understand their responsibility as members of our community of scholars. To highlight this student responsibility, the Honor Statement, written below, is posted throughout the school: “On my honor, in my work I have neither given nor received unauthorized help.”


Being honest and having integrity are crucial qualities for every student. In this day and age, the ease and temptation to take shortcuts are everywhere. While the temptations are everywhere so are the consequences for if caught. Any act of plagiarism or cheating is considered a major disciplinary offense. Academic dishonesty has several different forms:


Cheating is defined as the use of inappropriate and unacknowledged materials, information, or study aids. Seeking assistance from other people, requesting other students (including commercial term paper companies) to conduct research or prepare any work for them are all forms of cheating. Bringing study aids into a testing environment, whether or not they are used, is considered academic dishonesty. Students may not submit any work or portions thereof for credit or honors more than once without prior approval of the teacher.


Fabrication is the falsification or invention of any information or citation in an academic exercise.

Facilitating Academic Dishonesty

Students who knowingly or negligently allow their work to be used by other students or who otherwise aid others in academic dishonesty are violating academic integrity. Such students are as guilty of intellectual dishonesty as the student who receives the material even though they may not themselves benefit academically from that dishonesty.


Plagiarism is the representation of the words or ideas of another person or source as one’s own in any academic exercise. To avoid plagiarism, every direct quotation must be identified by quotation marks or by appropriate indentation and must be properly cited in the text or in a footnote. Acknowledgment is also required when material from another source stored in print, electronic, or other medium is paraphrased or summarized in whole or in part in one’s own words. To acknowledge a paraphrase properly, one might state: “to paraphrase Plato’s comment…”and conclude with a footnote or citation identifying the exact reference, in this case, to Plato’s work. A citation or footnote acknowledging only a directly quoted statement does not suffice to notify the reader of any preceding or succeeding paraphrased material. Information which is common knowledge such as names of leaders of prominent nations, basic scientific laws, etc, need not be footnoted; however, all facts or information obtained in reading or research that are not common knowledge among students in the course must be acknowledged. A work cited page is a list of sources specifically consulted in the preparation of a paper or project. In addition to materials specifically cited in the text, only materials that contribute to the author’s general understanding of the subject may be acknowledged in the work cited page. Plagiarism can, in some cases, be a subtle issue. Any questions or doubts about what constitutes plagiarism should be discussed with the teacher.


If any of the above occur during a program, there will be no credit given for the assignment along with the following:

  • Episcopal Academy Students will be subject to disciplinary action based on the school’s policies.
  • All other students will have the infraction reported to their home school and will be required to appear before a disciplinary panel at The Center for Growth and Innovation to determine what recourse will be required.

Technology Policy

Violation of the Acceptable Use Policy may result in revocation of network or equipment use privileges as well as disciplinary measures deemed appropriate by the Center for Growth and Innovation Directors. In addition to the Acceptable Use Policy, computer, personal device, and network use at Episcopal Academy is governed by the expectations set forth in the Program Handbook. Access to Computers, Files, and Information

  • Students are restricted from accessing student, faculty and staff personal computers, personal device, or network accounts unless they are given the explicit permission of a member of the faculty/staff.
  • Students are not permitted to access restricted school databases, including but not limited to: faculty/staff and student personal information, grade and scheduling information, school and student financial records, and network account information.
  • Students are not permitted to distribute their email or network password to another student.
  • Students are not permitted to login to the school’s network using another person’s login information, unless the express permission of a member of the faculty and staff is given.
  • Students are not permitted to access or alter any file created by another person unless that person has given explicit permission to do so.
  • Students are not permitted to save work in another student’s network folder unless that person has  given explicit permission to do so.
  • Students may not create files on the school network or on school computers that contain obscene, illicit, or otherwise offensive content.
  • Students may not allow an unauthorized user to gain access to the school’s network or to logon to a school computer.

Internet Access and Use

  • Students are not permitted to access web sites related to gambling, pornography, illegal substances, or any other web site or category of web sites that is illegal at the local, state or federal level, or are later determined by the Technology Department to be prohibited and/or restricted.
  • Students may not listen to or download music or videos from web sites that are not legally distributing the material.
  • Students may not knowingly bring a virus or other harmful file or program onto a school computer or the school network.
  • Content posted by students on any publicly accessible web site is subject to review and, if necessary, disciplinary action by the school. This content will be reviewed based on the terms set forth in the Acceptable Use Policy.. his includes, but is not limited to, text, images, video, and sound.
  • Students are not permitted to access discussion or communication based web sites (e.g. discussion boards,blogs, chat rooms, and the like) while on Episcopal’s campus, unless it is directly correlated with a school program and they have been given permission to do so by a member of the faculty and staff. Examples of prohibited sites include, but are not limited to,,, and, in addition to any sites that enable students to participate in live discussion or to post material.
  • Students are not permitted to create an online account of any kind on behalf of another person.
  • Students are not permitted to impersonate another person online. This includes, but is not limited to, logging into an Internet-based account as another person; posting material in the name of another person in anInternet-based environment; and changing settings in another person’s Internet-based account.
  • •The Center for Growth and Innovation and Episcopal Academy reserve the right to monitor all behavior on school or personal devices on campus and the use of all school resources (including email accounts) both on and off campus.

Email Use

  • Students may not use their school email account, on or off campus, or their non-school email account while on campus, to send messages that are threatening, harassing, obscene, or otherwise inappropriate as solely determined by the school’s administration.
  • Students may not access any other individual’s email account unless they are given the express permission of that individual.
  • The student’s school-assigned email address may only be used in conjunction with web sites and services that are considered appropriate based on the terms of the Acceptable Use Policy.
  • Students may not use their school-assigned email address in conjunction with any web site prohibited by the Episcopal Academy Technology Department.

Legal Compliance

  • Students may not participate in any activity on school computer equipment, the school network, with a school email or network account, or with a personal device on school property that is in violation of local, state, or federal law.
  • Students may not use graphics or text in a way that violates any copyright law.
  • Students may not use school resources to engage in any form of plagiarism, as defined in the Student Handbook.
  • Students are not permitted to use The Episcopal Academy name, logo, seal, or shield, or any variation thereof, in any publication, either electronically or in print, without the express consent of the school.
  • Students will be responsible for all costs incurred by Episcopal for violations of the Acceptable Use Policy.

Equipment Use

  • Student use of the school’s computer labs must be appropriate and respectful and must abide by the rules set forth by the faculty or staff member supervising the area. Food is not permitted in the computer labs, or near any computers on campus.
  • Students are required to treat all school technology equipment respectfully and avoid behavior that could damage the equipment.
  • Students may only use video-enabled devices on campus with the explicit permission of Episcopal Academy faculty in conjunction with school projects. Video-enabled devices include but are not limited to physical cameras, web cameras, and personal devices
  • Students may only use video-enabled devices on campus with the explicit permission of Episcopal Academy faculty in conjunction with school projects. Video-enabled devices include but are not limited to physical cameras, web cameras, and personal devices.

Contact with Faculty

  • Students should only have contact via electronic communication (e-mail, texting, etc.) with faculty through the faculty member’s official school email account or other official school communication. Students are discouraged from communicating with faculty via the faculty member’s non-school email account, social networking sites, and/or texting to personal cell phones. Faculty include all coaches, staff, and administrators.

Personal Device Use in Class

  • Students may only use personal devices in class (including, but not limited to, laptops) as instructed by the Unit Head and as permitted by the teacher. When and how the equipment is used in class is at the discretion of the teacher.
  • Students may only use the personal devices in class for school-related tasks. Non-academic activities on the device, including games, videos, music, and entertainment web sites, are prohibited during the program day.

Access to Personal Devices

  • Students must provide teachers, administrators, and Technology Department staff with access to any personal devices brought on campus at all times. School personnel maintain the right to access files and programs on the device and to monitor Internet and network activity from the device.
  • Students must grant classroom teachers viewable access to the view screen of any personal device used in class at all times during class.


  • Any personal device with an operating system must be running an updated virus detection software program and current operating system updates.
  • Students may not download any applications onto their personal device without appropriate licensing.
  • Students may not download or upload any files or applications that violate the terms of the Acceptable Use Policy.
  • Students may not transfer any viruses or other harmful files or applications across the school network.


  • The school will not take responsibility for damaged or stolen personal devices. The student takes full responsibility for the device on Episcopal Academy’s campus.


Cellular phones and personal digital organizers are permitted to be used at The Center for Growth and Innovation, however, students are not permitted to use cell phones or other electronic devices in a manner that disturbs others. Electronic devices, including cell phones, may only be used as follows:

  • All devices must be turned off or placed in silent mode in classrooms and other academic spaces.
  • Cell phones that ring or vibrate during class may be confiscated.
  • Students may not make phone calls in any academic building.
  • Students may text or check cell phones or other electronic devices in the hallways.
  • Any cell phone or electronic device that is used in a manner that a faculty or staff member believes disturbs others may have the device confiscated.


The following grading guidelines apply for Courses for Credit. All courses use a standard grading system:

  • Courses of four weeks will have one progress report midway through the program.
  • Any student with a grade averaging at C- or lower will receive addition progress reports.
  • All final grades will be issued with two weeks of the course end date.