Creating Adventures in Minecraft


This week in Minecraft all ages groups and experience levels joined forces in one big brainstorming adventure. Campers have been learning basic game design, how to utilize different tools, and use their imaginations to build a 3D world. Every day, the campers have worked a little bit more on their Minecraft designs. Some campers created intricate castles while others worked to prevent floods.








The younger campers practiced their skills on iPads while the older campers used the more complicated version on the laptops. The campers bounced ideas off each other and counselors. When a new feat is accomplished, the creator got to show it off to other campers.









In addition to challenging their mind inside the classroom, they also spent time playing games outside and getting to know fellow campers. Tomorrow, campers will get to show off their work to their parents and friends. We can’t wait to see the product of all their hard work!

Parents and family are invited to attend campers’ presentations tomorrow at 2PM. Report to the CGI office in the middle school prior to 2PM to see the week’s finale!